Time's a-wasting!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entertain me!

Number 62
We watched the first film to ever win Best Picture last night - it was a silent movie, "Wings". Surprisingly, it wasn't as difficult to get through as I had anticipated. I did doze off during one of the battle scenes (it's a World War I flyboy movie), but it held my interest pretty well for an 80 year old movie that was 2 hours and 16 minutes long.

Numbers 1 & 63
(I've decided that since I'm not likely to write longhand in an actual journal, this blog can also fill the role of reading journal.)
I finished "The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of The Oxford English Dictionary" by Simon Winchester this evening, and I'm rather shocked that this was as well received as it was. Maybe it's just because I was so much more interested in the details of the OED's creation that I didn't enjoy it. The first half of the book dragged, devoted to the backgrounds of Drs. Murray and Minor, and the details of the project and Dr. Minors special contributions were too quickly explained and then set aside to continue with the biographical stories. I'd have enjoyed more specifics of Dr. Minor's contributions - quotes that he provided, more details on his correspondence with Dr. Murray. And, like many nonfiction stories, it's just damn sad. At the back of the book, though, there is information on the ongoing revision of the OED - and there's a website here http://www.oed.com/readers/. Might be good for another goal list down the road!

Number 100
Made an appointment to donate blood at 11:15 AM on Saturday at the Berkley Donor Center, Woodward and Catalpa - any joiners??

Number 33
Off to cruise the web and see if I can't find a cheap spring break...

1 comment:

  1. Lola, I can't believe you have never seen Psycho or the Birds. Ya gotta see Psycho.
