Time's a-wasting!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day One!

And so it begins! I've lined up 101 goals to accomplish in the next 1001 days. I've embarked on this little adventure largely because things that I want to do tend to slip my mind. I get caught up in the everyday, and the things that spark my interest get forgotten. I'm also looking forward to many of these small goals leading to bigger and better goals!

Things that are already in progress:
50. Pay off the credit cards.
51. Pay off the car.
99. Donate 1,000,000 at freerice.com.

Favorite word that came up on freerice this morning - chelonian = turtle-like. Good to know that there is a word for turtle-like.

1 comment:

  1. Good word of the day Lola!! Are you in the Society of the Traveling Turtle group at TDP??? If you aren't you certainly should be. That should be the password for the group...LOL.
